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Jenny Penland
5 min read
Four Seasons ‣ Peninsula Papagayo
Review of Four Seasons Peninsula Papagayo, located in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.
Jenny Penland
3 min read
Travel Tips ‣ Shooting on Acorn Street
How to get the perfect shot (and soak in the history) of the most photographed street in America.
Jenny Penland
11 min read
Halloween Coast to Coast Challenge ‣ Disneyland vs. Disney World!
Having been lifelong pass members at Disney World, we're going to compare Boo Nights AND the traditional Not So Scary party (even though...
Kennedy Samaire
3 min read
Chattanooga, Tennessee ‣ Goonies never say die!
With so much to do outdoors, and loads of attractions, Chattanooga has quickly become one of our favorite cities!
Jenny Penland
3 min read
Shenandoah National Forest ‣ Baymax, rattlesnakes, and bears - oh, my!
Located miles outside Washington, D.C., Shenandoah National Park is a land bursting with endless natural beauty and wildlife.
Jenny Penland
2 min read
Watch Hill, Rhode Island ‣ We had a marvelous time, ruining everything.
You can't get more "iconic New England" than Watch Hill - and yet, it has somehow remained blissfully off the beaten path.
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